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Pastoral Staff

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Rachael Bearth has had several constant and consistent things in her life and those are her faith, family and her love of kids.  Having reached a crossroads as a third grade teacher at Mascoutah Elementary for 13 years and the opening for the Minister of Youth and Christian Education, Rachael certainly received a calling.  Writing her resignation letter for the school district and her visions for her new Youth Minister position each took her 5 minutes of typing.  She knew it was her calling.  Rachael doesn’t believe in coincidences, just realized the tap on her shoulder meant it was time to do something.  In the middle of teaching her Sunday book study class “You’ll Get Through This”, Rachael realized that Joseph, the Bible character being focused upon, waited 13 years for his calling.  Teaching has been such an amazing journey for Rachael, but it was time to focus on something more important for her faith and her family. 


Rachael grew up and was confirmed at St. John.  She was very involved in her church musically and in Youth Group.  She loved going on several mission trips that made a huge impact on her faith.  Rachael wants a constant Youth Minister; someone that will be a constant in the lives of our church’s children and especially for her own children.  Jeremy, her husband of 20+ years, has supported her 110% on this journey and said, “Honey, it’s time for you to do this.”  Her children Grace and Thomas are her visions for the future and wants to help foster the love for Jesus in their hearts, as well as the children of St. John. 


Rachael is organized, knows communication is vital, has an open office door and her best quality is her sense of humor.  Rachael enjoys this chapter in her life and in the life of her church.

Rachael's full-time service began in June 2016.  You can reach her by email.


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